Friday, March 5, 2010

Where We're Coming From

It is my hope to delve into the Biblical world at the same time removing any denominational influence.  I think often we develope our Biblical world-view by emperical practices - in other words, we teach/believe what we have been taught.  Therefore, we often come out as drones of a denomination rather than one truly attempting to know God.  This isn't to say that denominations nor the good people that make up many of them are evil; but it is to say that at the end of the day, our fate lies with the Scriptures, not with a denomination.

Before we begin our journey, allow me to build a frame work by which we will build upon. 

1.  The Bible was written to be understood.
2.  Lost people cannot understand the Bible as the Bible says that the natural man receiveth not the things of God because they are spiritually discerned.
3.  The best rendering (of what we know of the original autographs) in English is the King James Bible because it is the closest to the Majority Text.
4.  The Bible says it means and means what it says.

Allowing the Bible to be its own judge will allow us to have unbiased study.  We will not engage ourselves in the defense of tradition over Scripture; nor will we attempt to justify a position by One-Verse or Partial-Verse Theology.  When we study the Bible, context will be in the driver's seat.  Context can be a chapter to an entire book to a group of books to the entire Bible itself. 

Let's all strive to be a Berean and search the Scriptures daily to see if these things are so.